Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dave Pack: I Am A Better Witness Than Ron Weinland

The worlds most perfect Church of God leader to have ever graced this universe is mocking Ron Weinland for his epic failure today as one of the two witnesses.  Dave apparently thinks HE is the better one of the witnesses.  Since Dave runs the worlds largest Church of God ministry, has the most people, rakes in more money and has the most beautiful campus road in the world, it all stands to reason that Dave has to puff his chest out even more.

The Two Witnesses have become a subject of great speculation. But silly theories have replaced what was once sound understanding among God’s people. With the passing of time, as their arrival becomes more imminent, interest will only increase. Few today seem to remember what the Church taught—and so plainly—including how these men will appear, and from where they will receive their office.

The most prominent self-proclaimed “Two Witnesses”—Ron Weinland and his wife—will be revealed as frauds on Sunday, May 27. This husband/wife “team” will fail in spectacular fashion. Sadly, their public debacle will be an embarrassment—a black eye—to those who understand the truth of these two final prophets.

For those who are sobered by this deception, it is more important than ever that God’s people well understand the Two Witnesses. They need to know the TRUTH about the final two prophets soon to appear. You can understand the Two Witnesses!

Dave's chest thumping is here:  Where Will the Two Witnesses Come From?


Anonymous said...

No, it is more important than ever to understand false prophets: They are ravening wolves -- very hungry indeed -- they lie to you and take your money. Pack is but another one of them. He's hoping that none of you will notice that all his prophecies have gone flat as well.

And what, do pray tell, is the lesson of insane lying false prophet Ronald Weinland (Roderick Meredith, Gerald Flurry, David Pack, John Rittenbaugh, Jim Franks [going to be in Tukwilla today are we, Jimmy?], Don Haney...)?

Fear not.

That's it.

For all you people who sort of kind of maybe think you should edge your way past the false prophecies by covering your act and playing it safe with a "wait and see" and "just in case", the lesson is that absolutely nothing is going to happen but prognosticative failure of the most spectacular non event sort.

It's time to smarten up.

And then follow the follow on court trial.

And for Pack: Listen up and pay attention -- Ronald Weinland and Laura as the modern day Annanias and Saphira have been exposed for their lies and it will only happen once, but don't feel secure because eventually your day is coming.

And for us, no bears are coming out of the woods to attack us because we are speaking the truth.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

Unfortunately, Dave Pack isn't.

Anonymous said...

Every time there is an embarrasing debacle in one of the COGs, Dave Pack is always circling overhead, like a vulture, hoping to feast on its carcass. Dave is looking to enrich his bank account with the "tithes" of the newly disaffected from RW's disappointing failure today.

Anonymous said...

You know it's great seeing so much unity in Christian fellowship in the Churches of God that Christ built.

A proud moment.

(Which ACoG would you pick to worship on this Day of Pentecost?)

Anonymous said...

Question for COG ministers:

If you could not talk about prophecy, the future, world conditions etc...what would your message be?


Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

You missed this gem in Clarion Call Dave's screed:

"Let me repeat for emphasis: I state without apology and with God’s authority that both of the Two Witnesses will be members of The Restored Church of God! Of this there can be no doubt!"


Anonymous said...

In Ron's as we speak Pentecost sermon he is amazed now that the the work of the Two Witnesses is over. Now the "day of the Lord" is beginning, which is a year.

Next he spends much time in the awesome Greek of which he knows virtually nothing in reality.

The man simply cannot say "I was wrong. I apologize."

Awesome how Ron see's how amazing God's ways are and how clear it all becomes within hours after the bullshit he preaches fails. I think we're making this up as we go personally.

Men like Ron make a mockery of religion and are instrumental (emphasis mental) in disillusioning folk and breeding the very skeptics he think are the signs of the end.

Only a fool has only a prophetic message as the basis for his church. I encourage his congregants to wake up and walk before you waste more of your precious life time.

A real God would get his keister down here and never let humans endeavor to communicate the world's most important message from a Deity.

However, the truth is we are conscious hairless apes, which is more awesome than this mythology and fairytale Ron Weinland spins.

Ron is a hairless ape too, just not conscious....


Anonymous said...

I have really come to resent Ron Weinland and his lying and ignorant ministry.

A day ago he was hunkered down waiting for Jesus. In less than 24 hours he has it all refigured and making it feel like it's someone else's fault it was not understood.

The man obviously wants and needs his fake ministry to continue along with the perks. Those who follow this fraud deserve what they don't get.

Anonymous said...

A key to understanding Ron is whenever he says "We" "Us" as if everyone made the mistakes, he really means "I" and "Me".

The man is incapable of taking personal responsibility for his foolishness.

Ron...look at me....NO GOD HAS EVERY PAID YOU ONE BIT OF ATTENTION. You are making all this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how God always reveals the real truth of a matter one day after Ron makes a fool of himself and his congregants?

PKG members need this formula to be safe.

What Ron says + one day = new truth to keep us going.

I say just cut Ron out of the equation and wait to see what really is.

Anonymous said...

Today's Pentecost Message:

We are all one because we all joined together in unity under the teaching of one dead false prophet.

Byker Bob said...

Over the years, I've learned how certain behaviors and beliefs can become gateways opening the door into weirdness, and toxic pathology.

I doubt that anyone had bad intentions when they were first convinced that Armstrongism was the true path. But, witnessing all of the insanity unfolding in the ACOGs on a daily basis is a powerful lesson on how humans can be led into destructive activities almost subliminally.

Whether it be racism kindled by a supposedly innocent theory called British Israelism, or callousness to fellow humans (including our own relatives!) who "aren't having their chance at this time", or open mindedness to every stupid conspiracy theory because such things had to be used on a deep core level to make sense of Armstrong theology, we see that something entered with good intentions brought rancid devolution to much of the innate goodness or naturalness of human nature (lest anyone fault me for this, let me point out that I realize that human nature has a basic badness component also!).

It's easy to fake speaking in tongues, the gift of prophecy, and even healing. How many times have we read posts by Armstrong apologists expressing that love is too often overemphasized? That is the fruit of the Holy Spirit which you just can't effectively fake, and it was sorely lacking in the teachings of HWA. Yet Jesus stated that the way we would recognize His followers would be that they love one another. God's very character is love, in that He rains on the just and unjust alike.
And then there is John 3:16. Love always acts as a gateway to good.


DennisCDiehl said...

BB People loving each other is not the proof of who Jesus' people are. Christians don't have the corner on love of others , compassion and concern. It's what most people not living in fear do and practice. (The opposite of love is fear not hate which is why it says perfect love cast out fear not hate.)

Christians tend to attribute their traits as unique or caused by some spirit because they aren't capable of generating it on their own. You know the Jeremiah 17:9 thing.

In the final analysis, we're all just folk. Buddhist understand more about the pain we get from attachement to stuff, material things and expectations more than any christian I have ever met.

Anonymous said...

@Douglas Becker ... you wrote "Pack is but another one of them. He's hoping that none of you will notice that all his prophecies have gone flat as well."

May I ask ... what prophecies did David Pack make that have "gone flat" as you put it?

DennisCDiehl said...

Dave is not a prophecy describer. He is generic as in soon but not how. Weinland got screwed thinking he knows how things must unfold. Neither Dave or Ron understand the real origins, intent, authors and reasons for the book of Revelation. They merely read it like a newspaper and go with the fear it can promote and the nasties one can avoid if of the chosen ones.

I would be surprised if Dave actually ever announced the identies of the TW's in his church. First of , he'd really need it to him as both to fit his nature. Secondly, he'd need to find such powerful types who were subservient and obedient to him as boss.

I think it just makes good Bible myth for Dave. He has a college to build, an ego to stroke and narcissistic supply to acquire.

Dave will use the TW idea the same way HWA toyed with the place of safety. Mostly speculation. Never quite real and probably not going to happen in our time.

His building a college, even if it never actually happens belies his real belief about time is short. It's not short but the teaching it is , is profitable. You don't spend millions on time is short edifices.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack: I Am A Better Witness Than Ron Weinland

"The most prominent self-proclaimed 'Two Witnesses'--Ron Weinland and his wife--will be revealed as frauds on Sunday, May 27. This husband/wife 'team' will fail in spectacular fashion. Sadly, their public debacle will be an embarrassment--a black eye--to those who understand the truth of these two final prophets."

David Pack is correct!

Ronald Weinland is wrong!

The huge swarm of satanic lying kooks from the WCG and its splinter groups bring almost total confusion to almost everyone.

If there is only one true leader and church out of the approximately 666 satanic frauds that came out of the explosion of the WCG, no wonder the situation looks hopeless.

Nevertheless, the Bible does say certain things, and should be taken seriously. It is too bad, though, that instead of just warning that "many false prophets" would come, Jesus didn't say "many, many, many, many, many, many false prophets" would come.

Anonymous said...

May I ask ... what prophecies did David Pack make that have "gone flat" as you put it?

The predictions for his Church Corporate Campus for one.

Anonymous said...

If you want more on DiP's prophecy, you need go no further than his website page on prophecy.

It's all there: United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy, The Beast of Revelation, The Mideast, The Four Horsemen, Place of Safety... and on and on it goes.

The prophecy gone flat.

You can recycle it only so long before it's landfill.

This is not to say that he puts dates on things, but you have to know that all these things will be fulfilled in his life time (if he lives until the year 2275, maybe).

Roderick Meredith has him beat in the false prophet department, of course.


It's all gone flat.

Pour it down the toilet.

Anonymous said...

That's not DCP's prophecy. That's just the same old "it's in the Bible" prophecy stuff that most fundy churches comment on. Dave gives it no context or time frames as Weinland did and does . Weinland's prophecy are his own as to how and when the generic Bible stuff will unfold and happen.

Noting the Bible talks about the Four Hosemen of the Puckerlips or the Book of Revelation is not a modern man's prophecy as to how prophecy plays out or even speaks of him personally as in 'I am one of the two witnesses."

HWA always let underlings toy with the specifics and make fools of themselves and not himself so he always had plausible deniable. DCP is the same.

So Dave does not have a raft of unfulfilled personal prophecies. He's smarter than that.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack is a brilliant man, you are underestimating him. He's not talking much about love, love, oh sweet love, because actually anyone can fake it. As Jesus Christ himself said, even the pagans can do it. He doesn't want people to focus only with their lives now because it will fade away. What matters is the character one builds to be of use to God's Kingdom. As you know man are cunning, you cannot just use love in dealing with them.

Assistant Deacon said...

Dave pretty much sums up his own indictment with this zinger from his own pen:

"One wonders how a single person could swallow such breathtaking ignorance!"


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dave Pack is a brilliant man, you are underestimating him.

Actually, you are. I know him.

Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

Anonymous said: "Dave Pack is a brilliant man, you are underestimating him."

I don't think Dave Pack is brilliant. Rather, his followers are somewhat less than brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed when DP speaks or writes he will make or write statements that are supposedly Biblical, yet he quotes no scriptures and either refers to his books or quotes from HWA. He isn't as smart as he appears to be. His followers are mainly from the world and ex-PCG. What can you expect....

Anonymous said...

Dave is a Bible reader. He can cut and paste with the best of them. Unfortunately, he has no real theological education.

Anonymous said...

David Pack has real competition!

I just saw that Robert Theil just claims to be a scientist!


Anyone want to give me the details of this?

(Or is it just another unproveable theory?)

I know it's not as impressive, but I'm a technologist.

In the end, my being to make complex technologies actually work may and I say may trump both David Pack and Robert Theil, but that's just a hypothesis.

a said...

Did somebody actually write that Dave is a "brilliant" man?

The guy can't even get the basics right. He just parrots Armstrongism, that's it.

Anonymous added this hilarious notion: ..."the character one builds to be of use to God's Kingdom."

Be of use? HAHAHAHAHA. Otherwise, you're of no use, apparently.

There's that "qualifying" mentality. You must build. You must strive. You must develop. You must earn.

What foolishness. Like God needs anybody's help for anything. Total misrepresentation of the biblical text.

Anonymous said...

Sure, I suppose you could argue that any of the cog leaders are "brilliant," if by brilliant you meant they gots themselves some mad con-artist skillz.

Assistant Deacon said...

Here's one of Pack's false prophecies, from a follow-up letter to newly baptized RCG members:

"This goal of becoming like God will take tremendous work, willpower and determination. For the rest of your life, you will have to 'pray as if it all depends on God, and then act as if it all depends on you.'"

That is a TOTAL misrepresentation of the biblical text. For each "member" that falls into his trap, it will be a false prophecy.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and mock Mr. Pack. You are accountable to God for your vile filth. Mr. Pack is set apart by God for a mighty end time witness to the lost in the Church of GOd and there is nothing you can do to stop him. God will hold you accountable for all the vileness you say here!

Assistant Deacon said...

Not mocking. Pointing out fact.

Not threatening either, "Anonymous" -- especially in empty and unfounded fashion, as you do.

Anonymous said...

Ho hum. Yes, I am sure god will hold everyone accountable for all the vile, filthy, (and factual) things we say here about Dave Pack. Just like he is going to hold us accountable for calling Ron Weinland a false prophet. What makes you think there is anything factual about your claim that Dave Pack has been "set apart" by god, for any reason at all? Wait, wait, don't tell me...because that's what Dave told you, right? Um hm. Sure.

I'd tell you to go away, but it's much more entertaining with you here.

John said...

Anonymous said: "Go ahead and mock Mr. Pack. You are accountable to God for your vile filth. Mr. Pack is set apart by God for a mighty end time witness to the lost in the Church of GOd and there is nothing you can do to stop him. God will hold you accountable for all the vileness you say here!"

What is vile is these "prophets" and "apostles" falsely so-called claim to represent God and yet they spew forth lies upon lies in His name without any shame or remorse! They assert Christ shall return on a certain day that comes and goes without event or misappropriate scriptural titles and prophetic roles for themselves like saying Herbert W. Armstrong was the "Elijah to come," which is totally contrary to what even Christ himself said (Luke 1:17; Matthew 11:14). And to make it worse these "moneychangers" don't even blush as they lie to your face and rob you blind! But, if Pack or his "church" wants to be "set apart" like Weinland and others who've "exchanged the truth of God for a lie" it won't be long now till he follows the same set path they laid out for themselves before him and we'll see the tables turned on him too!

Sweetblood777 said...

Since I don't see a contact icon to connect with the owner of this site, I will use this method.

Yesterday at work I tried to open your web page and McAfee blocked your site with a message saying something to the effect: "Site blocked due to malicious reputation".

I will try again today and take a screen grab and email it to my home and then forward it from my home to you.

But I may need a contact point if pasting it in this spot does not work.


NO2HWA said...

When I checked Alexis and other web monitoring sits this weekend there was a listing of "0" for malicious content. If that pops up then you can click on a button that says it is not malicious. My email is no2hwa @ yahoo .com (leave out the spaces)

Vaughn said...

@Anonymous May 28, 2012 6:18 PM:

I will mock him, and boldly: Hey Dave; Go up you bald head, go up you bald head.

There, that ought to do it. My prophecy? Nothing, absolutely nothing will happen to me, no she bear, nothing. Why? Because Dave is just a man, like anyone, with the exception that he is a lying con-man.