Monday, July 2, 2012

Honda EV World: Ex WCG Minister Takes Trip Down Memory Lane

Check out this article from Honda's electric vehicle web site.  Bill Moore was a WCG pastor who left Armstrongism in 1980.

Driving the Honda Fit EV Down Memory Lane:  EV World's publisher takes Honda's new EV back thirty years in time.

 It's been 34 years since I last walked the campus of Ambassador College in Pasadena, California. It was early Summer 1978 and I had just spent a year on a ministerial sabbatical after more than five years serving as a church pastor in the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia. Now we were preparing to move back to Illinois to assume a new church assignment, but that year would prove a major turning point in our lives. It had opened my eyes to the world of Biblical scholarship, as well as offered me the opportunity to become a published author in two of the church's international publications. The first would lead me to begin questioning church doctrine, the second would prove to me that I could be a writer.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Malm Asks: Will you commit adultery with the whore because she is going to do it anyway?

The apostle just cannot get over the fact that many COGers go out and eat in restaurants on Saturdays.  That just riles him into a royal lather.  The apostle equates going to Burger King for a quick bite to eat before that 2 hour drive home, is as if you were hooking up with the local whore.  On second thought, given the track record of some of the COG leaders have/had with keeping their pants zipped, this really might be an issue.

And that verse goes straight to the issue of going out and buying in restaurants on the Sabbath. Neither be partaker of other men’s sins. You are NOT to participate in other people’s sin. You don’t say, “They’re going to do it anyway, I’ll participate.” Nonsense: You are to adhere to a higher standard. You are to set an example and you are not to partake of other men’s sins.

Will you commit adultery with the whore because she is going to do it anyway?  Then why pollute the Sabbath with the Sabbath polluters?  That excuse justifies ALL sins!  No matter what sin, there will be someone else doing it.  Quite frankly, that excuse is infantile.  We are to become like God, to internalize HIS nature and to keep his commandments with zeal:  we are not to comply with the wickedness of this world and to seek to go back into the evil that we were delivered out of by such a terrible sacrifice