Monday, July 9, 2012

Sabbath Breakers Are Out To Lead Simple Women Away From Their Chastity

More hilarity from apsotle Malm:

They have a certain outward appearance of righteous, but they do what THEY think is right and NOT what God commands. They are the kind of people who go to church and say “Oh, I am so righteous because God has called me and I’m going to a great corporate church. We have great ministers and great sermons. And all of this is so great.” And then they go home. They pollute their bodies. They pollute the Sabbath. They envy their neighbors. They abuse their children and their wives. They’re unfaithful, unthinking, and unthankful. Yes, from such turn away.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with diver’s lusts. II Tim 3

That is, these kinds of people will take advantage of simple women to seduce them and led them away from their chastity.  This is a type of false teachers leading the simple and ungrounded in sound doctrine away from, the faith for all saints are symbolic women and called to be chaste virgins fit to be a part of teh bride of the Lamb.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Has the Church of God Ever Had An Original Thought?

For well over seventy years various Churches of God have declared that it's beliefs and understanding were products of restored truths that had been lost for over 1,900 years.  Herbert Armstrong declared that his understanding was all sent from God after his yes were opened.  The question that needs to be asked is just what is it that he taught that was original and his own?

British Israelism was around hundreds of years before HWA ever touched the subject.  Then he has to go and copy word for word out of "Judah's Scepter and Jacob's Birthright."

Then the Church of God 7th Day revealed that HWA had copied word for word one of it's own booklets that he called "Has Time Been Lost."

The teaching that we were all to become gods, was taken from the Mormons.  The Jehovahs Witnesses provided plenty of resources for prophecy and end times malarkey that HWA used.  His basement safe was filled with JW books.

Now to add to that list, is an entry that James has on the Painful Truth blog about soon coming world dictator (Beast Power/European Union) soon to arise.  HWA started writing about the soon to emerge European Union that would be the Beast of Revelation around 1934.  Was this something new that God had revealed to HWA?  Don't count on it.  There were numerous articles in newspapers and magazines as far back as 1929 detailing the upcoming European Union.  For more article clippings fromteh1930's click here:  "Stolen Ideas" Using Newspapers to Invent Prophecy

Using newspaper articles to fit you end of the world theories is typical Armstrongism.  The research departments at Pasadena worked overtime in trying to find anything that fit the prophecy scenario that HWA was trying to establish.  Prophecy prediction was just as reliable as the proof-texting that the church employed when it came to scriptures.  As we all now know, the Church of GOd has failed miserably in both of these areas.