Saturday, July 21, 2012

What If The End Isn't Near?

Pam Dewey has had an excellent series on Are You Prepared for.... the Unthinkable? The latest entry had this:

The blog entries in this series have been building up a case for the possibility that Christians have been “preparing” in recent times … physically and emotionally … for the wrong thing. So many have been absolutely sure that we are living in the very End Times, often because of “conditions” they see around them like those above.  Their idea of getting physically ready for what they have believed is “imminent and inevitable” in biblical prophecy has sometimes included stockpiling survival supplies for The Great Tribulation, which many are sure could start this year, or next year, or by the latest, five or seven years from now.

And their idea of being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for what they expect to happen has often been to just hunker down, study prophecy under some favorite prophecy guru, and wait for The End.

This blog has suggested you just MIGHT want to consider … WHAT IF the “unthinkable” happens? If you’ve been thinking that The End is at Hand, WHAT IF it isn’t?

What if you find yourself just growing old and gray ten or twenty or thirty years from now? Have you made ANY actual preparations to deal with the reality that this unexpected scenario would bring?

The Apostle Is Preparing For New Reeducation Camp In Petra

The apostle has been preaching a lot lately about the synagogue in the history of the Jews and how it served as a place of learning.  Because Malm and so many COGers are pretend Jews, he is embracing the teaching techniques used in synagogues as God's divinely inspired way of learning.

The apostle goes on to tell how he will be setting up groups in Petra where he will be torturing people with the law big time.

With this weeks posts I am trying to introduce people to a plan for education and preparation for the Kingdom in the wilderness. Giving people time to think on these things to digest them and to get used to some organized education and preparation for the priesthood.

If I am there and I expect I will be; and if people listen to me, I would impliment a plan like this for a more formal study in the refuge not only through Moses but all the scriptures. if for some reason I am not there I have done my best to provide what has been missing in the COG teachings through the five years I have been working on this effort.

Plan B is that if the abominatioon is not set up this year; I want to set up the same organized training program after the Feast, not just through Moses but through all the scriptures, and to set up Feast sites as well. Part of the FB idea is to find out where people may be concentrated in order to find the most suitable locations for Festivals and potential Sabbath meetings.