Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dave Pack: "Love him or hate him, but he's the man, a wolf not of the Wall Street but of Armstrongism" The Wolf of Wadsworth

Dave is hated by readers here because he is The Wolf of Armstrongism, so says one of his delusional followers:
You just hate him because he is the most successful of all armstrongite leaders. He started with a local congregation of 30 people, and just a few years later he's got thousands, millions of dollars, building, publications, projects, employees, audience, young wife... You write and comment on him, he doesn't even notice you;you are like grasshoppers to him. Most of you, to use a Michael Savage expression, have never ever ran even a shoeshine stand. Love him or hate him, but he's the man, a wolf not of the Wall Street but of Armstrongism.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Dave Pack: The Kingdom Will Be The Ultimate Supernatural Big Bed and Breakfast

Dave Pack's stupidity knows no boundaries.

You have a house. I have a house. God has a house—it’s called “the Temple”—but this is different. “In my Father’s residence.” These accommodations, if you want to think of it…This abode that He set up are many different mansions. It’s not talking about offices or positions. The word “mansions” means “a staying,” where to stay, and it can mean “residence,” “the place.” Now, let’s keep reading. This is fascinating…
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again…” (vs. 3).
So one of the things Christ is doing, based on how people are growing in the last generation, who rule first, He is getting ready for who lives where. He is going to tell us what we wear…It’s all taken care of. It will be the ultimate supernatural Bed and Breakfast, is really what it is, if you want to think of it that way. If you want to think of a five-star hotel, maybe you should think of a giant, 25-star hotel…that might be the best way to look at it…and that would be on people’s minds—but it wouldn’t be, if we were spirit.